Public Domain Sample Pack: Sci-Fi
So, I’ve gotten a ton, of, mileage out of a little sample pack that indieish.com made from archive.org here…I figured, hey! Why not do the same?
So, enter DoKashiteru’s public service for electronic musicians: themed sample packs! This is (a) fun to do, (b) incredibly useful, and (c) all public-domain, so it’s free to use.
And this is part 1 of the series: a Sci-Fi themed sample pack. Robots, space, NASA, you name it! All either vintage (nice and crackly recordings) or modern (nice and crisp NASA recordings!
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So, enter DoKashiteru’s public service for electronic musicians: themed sample packs! This is (a) fun to do, (b) incredibly useful, and (c) all public-domain, so it’s free to use.
And this is part 1 of the series: a Sci-Fi themed sample pack. Robots, space, NASA, you name it! All either vintage (nice and crackly recordings) or modern (nice and crisp NASA recordings!
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