A Forest (Hold on now)
honestly - the songs from Snowflake and Timberman are two of my all time favorites. And it was a real big fun (and tremendous amount of work) combining them. Work because I am still a novice in the digital music area.
There have been some thoughts going on in my had while I made this remix. (which is up to minute 3:34 equal to my other “A Forest” remix)
One one hand the “final decision” from timberman to get lost in the forest. Where I interpret “A Forest” as a romantic experience during child hood combining it with the magical myhts of fairy-tales.
On the other hand Snowflake sings about hope in a moment of letting someone go. She refers to a mother and some spiritual symbols.
Combining both aspects could be something like this
A man is escaping from the patterns in his life - an escape maybe into alcohol, drugs - or an unwanted break (an accident) and laying in a coma in a hospital. Maybe with some clearer moments. Being a child again and scary lost in a forest.
Everyone dissappears.
But than there are shiny moments - thinking about his mom taking his fears away healing wounds by holding him close. OR he can not move (coma but able to hear) hearing his little son standing next to his bed. His wife talking to him (or his son). A little moment of hope. Everything is fluent.
The sad thing - in all cases - he decides to not turn around.
This is the moment where harshly the sample (kind of life-support sound) ends suddenly.
A dream within a dream…..
There have been some thoughts going on in my had while I made this remix. (which is up to minute 3:34 equal to my other “A Forest” remix)
One one hand the “final decision” from timberman to get lost in the forest. Where I interpret “A Forest” as a romantic experience during child hood combining it with the magical myhts of fairy-tales.
On the other hand Snowflake sings about hope in a moment of letting someone go. She refers to a mother and some spiritual symbols.
Combining both aspects could be something like this
A man is escaping from the patterns in his life - an escape maybe into alcohol, drugs - or an unwanted break (an accident) and laying in a coma in a hospital. Maybe with some clearer moments. Being a child again and scary lost in a forest.
Everyone dissappears.
But than there are shiny moments - thinking about his mom taking his fears away healing wounds by holding him close. OR he can not move (coma but able to hear) hearing his little son standing next to his bed. His wife talking to him (or his son). A little moment of hope. Everything is fluent.
The sad thing - in all cases - he decides to not turn around.
This is the moment where harshly the sample (kind of life-support sound) ends suddenly.
A dream within a dream…..