The Art of Noise
(Note: All sounds in this piece are drawn from the cited samples, with perhaps a little mangling.)
Sabotage expectations,
deliver derivation devoid of derivative,
invent new worlds as the words fall apart.
I feel no need to
play every fret on a guitar,
nor to pluck it strings
just so
and only so.
I see no reason to use
all of the paint
in every tube
when I am sitting
at a canvas
brush in hand
madness in mind.
Do the things
you are not
supposed to do;
surprise yourself.
Listen for the sound,
that sweet noise,
that rings hard in your marrow;
sabotage expectations
for sonic salvation.
Sabotage expectations,
deliver derivation devoid of derivative,
invent new worlds as the words fall apart.
I feel no need to
play every fret on a guitar,
nor to pluck it strings
just so
and only so.
I see no reason to use
all of the paint
in every tube
when I am sitting
at a canvas
brush in hand
madness in mind.
Do the things
you are not
supposed to do;
surprise yourself.
Listen for the sound,
that sweet noise,
that rings hard in your marrow;
sabotage expectations
for sonic salvation.