The Capitol Boy
I caught the end of a news item where a distraught woman was explaining to the reporter how her holiday plans were in ruins as a result of a change in Covid restrictions. The next news item saw an immigrant who had braved the crossing from France to the UK in a small rubber dingy being interviewed. The reporter asked where he intended to go. He replied, “To the capitol, yes to the capitol I go.” Alas it was not to the capitol he went but to a detention centre to join the other 4000 who have crossed the seas this year in boats that barely float to get a taste of our western lives.
Maybe one day he will have the chance to take safer holidays
Many thanks to Javolenus for once more supplying the guitars
I’m a little bit of something from a distant time
From a molecule of dust came this life of mine
Tearing down a vision I began to grow
Everybody’s waiting for my faults to show
But I’m tethered and torn like a man in a storm
Starting on a journey to be reborn
Waving to the people who are sitting on the beach
Everybody’s crying but it’s just relief
So sad so utterly mad
Risking everything for a new start
On the crest of a wave I arrived today
You can recognise me by my wet clothes
Maybe one day he will have the chance to take safer holidays
Many thanks to Javolenus for once more supplying the guitars
I’m a little bit of something from a distant time
From a molecule of dust came this life of mine
Tearing down a vision I began to grow
Everybody’s waiting for my faults to show
But I’m tethered and torn like a man in a storm
Starting on a journey to be reborn
Waving to the people who are sitting on the beach
Everybody’s crying but it’s just relief
So sad so utterly mad
Risking everything for a new start
On the crest of a wave I arrived today
You can recognise me by my wet clothes