Who Knows?
santa - ho ho ho #1.wav by canucklovingbrit — https://freesound.org/s/110641/ — License: Creative Commons 0
Mrs. Clause: Natural Reader Free
Underneath all the sleigh bells and incessant Ho HO HOing is a halfway decent song. Feel free to use the instrumental track to back your own vocal(s)!
I have included a few of the key midi files—except the EP—which needs to be run through a trigger gate delay to achieve the correct timing. If you need the EP midi I can send you the raw midi file and the link to get the free trigger gate.
Mrs. Clause:
Who knows? I certainly don’t. I think the problem really began when it all became so commercialized.
I mean, he seemed much happier when the population was significantly lower, and expectations weren’t so high. Children were grateful for just a few things back then. Now many of them are asking for it all—including guns. Not BB guns like that kid in the movie. I’m talking deadly shit. He says he’s seriously thinking about hiring some gunsmith elves.
And then there is the imposter element! Our lawyers said he has no standing. And they pointed out the Supreme Court is in a weird place right now. His image takes such a beating—who wouldn’t become depressed? That’s when the problems in the bedroom started.
I don’t know. Who knows?
It’s more than just Capitalism hi-jacking his life work. There was the Climate problems too. At one point the Elves were going to walk off the job. They had a point, really. It just wasn’t safe in the workshop with it sinking into melting ice. We tried to hire an engineering firm, but they were convinced we were part of a practical joke—or something. He was trying to deal with all that while everything was taking its toll on our relationship.
So, like I’ve told you—now he hangs around the house. Doesn’t do much of anything, except watch FOX News in his underwear. I don’t have to tell you how old that is getting. And he practices his laugh. He started doing that when I mentioned he didn’t sound as genuine as he once did. I’ve learned from THAT mistake.
Anyway, I’m calling you because—well, because you did so well with your divorce. Could I have the number of your lawyer?
Mrs. Clause: Natural Reader Free
Underneath all the sleigh bells and incessant Ho HO HOing is a halfway decent song. Feel free to use the instrumental track to back your own vocal(s)!
I have included a few of the key midi files—except the EP—which needs to be run through a trigger gate delay to achieve the correct timing. If you need the EP midi I can send you the raw midi file and the link to get the free trigger gate.
Mrs. Clause:
Who knows? I certainly don’t. I think the problem really began when it all became so commercialized.
I mean, he seemed much happier when the population was significantly lower, and expectations weren’t so high. Children were grateful for just a few things back then. Now many of them are asking for it all—including guns. Not BB guns like that kid in the movie. I’m talking deadly shit. He says he’s seriously thinking about hiring some gunsmith elves.
And then there is the imposter element! Our lawyers said he has no standing. And they pointed out the Supreme Court is in a weird place right now. His image takes such a beating—who wouldn’t become depressed? That’s when the problems in the bedroom started.
I don’t know. Who knows?
It’s more than just Capitalism hi-jacking his life work. There was the Climate problems too. At one point the Elves were going to walk off the job. They had a point, really. It just wasn’t safe in the workshop with it sinking into melting ice. We tried to hire an engineering firm, but they were convinced we were part of a practical joke—or something. He was trying to deal with all that while everything was taking its toll on our relationship.
So, like I’ve told you—now he hangs around the house. Doesn’t do much of anything, except watch FOX News in his underwear. I don’t have to tell you how old that is getting. And he practices his laugh. He started doing that when I mentioned he didn’t sound as genuine as he once did. I’ve learned from THAT mistake.
Anyway, I’m calling you because—well, because you did so well with your divorce. Could I have the number of your lawyer?