The Most Terrifying Night (Acapella)
HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
The vocals are based on a poem I wrote not too long ago, under candle-light; after a power outage…no computer…no laptop…no ipod… middle of the night…everyone sleeping… I couldn’t fall asleep…The Most Terrifying Night-really.
The Most Terrifying Night
Written & perfomed by COFFEEEUROPE
The power is gone.
I can not sleep.
The noise
…is suddenly gone.
The most terrifying night.
Dead weight in my head.
Cables in my vains.
The wire
…is suddenly gone.
The most terrifying night.
A candle lights
The most terrifying night
The Most Terrifying Night
Written & perfomed by COFFEEEUROPE
The power is gone.
I can not sleep.
The noise
…is suddenly gone.
The most terrifying night.
Dead weight in my head.
Cables in my vains.
The wire
…is suddenly gone.
The most terrifying night.
A candle lights
The most terrifying night