I like that in wiktionary the first English definition for the noun form of caper is:
“A frolicsome leap or spring; a skip; a jump, as in mirth or dancing; a prank”, while the Latin definition for caper is “a male goat”.
[wiktionary is a GNU licensed resource, and you are welcome to use these definitions in any way consistent with the GNU license at wiktionary.org]
My hope is that this is the soundtrack to some zany video offerings.
This song after a period of listening to Gentle Giant songs.
“A frolicsome leap or spring; a skip; a jump, as in mirth or dancing; a prank”, while the Latin definition for caper is “a male goat”.
[wiktionary is a GNU licensed resource, and you are welcome to use these definitions in any way consistent with the GNU license at wiktionary.org]
My hope is that this is the soundtrack to some zany video offerings.
This song after a period of listening to Gentle Giant songs.