Too Afraid
Now I’m in rehab assisted by the CCM Helpline and have comeout with my remix addiction I have put the Scomber sausage factory to the timer test and churned out an easy listening (hopefully) and vanilla flavored concoction. Hey vanilla rhymes with Manila!
Really just an excuse to work the sitar with restraint and play with my french horn.
(no Mom I haven’t gone blind yet)
Goes on a bit but if you listen closely there’s not too many repeats. Nice vocal though, I couldn’t leave it alone. Played each instrument live (nearly) cuing the vox with my foot pedal.
Love this place.
Really just an excuse to work the sitar with restraint and play with my french horn.
(no Mom I haven’t gone blind yet)
Goes on a bit but if you listen closely there’s not too many repeats. Nice vocal though, I couldn’t leave it alone. Played each instrument live (nearly) cuing the vox with my foot pedal.
Love this place.