A thousand ways to lose your mind
Wrote the lyrics to this one in the days shortly after the recent death our dear friend Joe (Fireproof Babies), a much loved long time contributor to ccM.
After listening to his entire catalog on ccm that morning, it wrote itself in a few minutes.
Its a rather confronting take on a difficult subject and I thought it may be insensitive to post until now. Anyway, thanks to Zeb, its got what Joe liked the most - big drums and even bigger guitar.
Like most of us who had contact with Joe, I felt upset that I hadn’t reached out more to help him or even realise the extent of the funk he was trapped in.
RIP mate.
After listening to his entire catalog on ccm that morning, it wrote itself in a few minutes.
Its a rather confronting take on a difficult subject and I thought it may be insensitive to post until now. Anyway, thanks to Zeb, its got what Joe liked the most - big drums and even bigger guitar.
Like most of us who had contact with Joe, I felt upset that I hadn’t reached out more to help him or even realise the extent of the funk he was trapped in.
RIP mate.