Get It On
Let’s Get It On
All Night Long
Decided to create a remix based the repetitive vocal “Lets Get It On, Get It On, All Night Long” using tonal samples that advertise a key of G minor. Searched our project studio sample library and ccmixter for victims in G minor.
Sync’d the chorus vocals with Rocavaco’s drums which play throughout the song. Greyguys drums or a MusicTech magazine provided drum beat are layered on top of Roca’s drums. Back beat snare, additional hihat, tambourine and rhythmboy’s cowbell are used in various places for color and drive.
Vocoder is used on Steven’s voice, Amplitube’s BBClean preset is used on Admiral Bob’s Les Paul, and Amplitube’s Fender Twin simulation is used on ElRon’s Samick Greg Bennett hollow body. To sound mo’ better within d’mix, GSnap freeware was used on Admiral Bob’s guitar track to reduce E and Eb notes in favor a more F and D notes.
Da Featured Band members
Cory Friesenhan - vocal on verse
4NSIC, J Lang and Steven Bryant - chorus vocals
rocavaco, greyguy - drums
rhythm boy - cowbell
Admiral Bob, ElRon XChile - lead guitars
bmccosar - crash cymbal
Every Little Symbol by Cory Friesenhan courtesy of Resonance Sound and Computer Music magazine
All Night Long
Decided to create a remix based the repetitive vocal “Lets Get It On, Get It On, All Night Long” using tonal samples that advertise a key of G minor. Searched our project studio sample library and ccmixter for victims in G minor.
Sync’d the chorus vocals with Rocavaco’s drums which play throughout the song. Greyguys drums or a MusicTech magazine provided drum beat are layered on top of Roca’s drums. Back beat snare, additional hihat, tambourine and rhythmboy’s cowbell are used in various places for color and drive.
Vocoder is used on Steven’s voice, Amplitube’s BBClean preset is used on Admiral Bob’s Les Paul, and Amplitube’s Fender Twin simulation is used on ElRon’s Samick Greg Bennett hollow body. To sound mo’ better within d’mix, GSnap freeware was used on Admiral Bob’s guitar track to reduce E and Eb notes in favor a more F and D notes.
Da Featured Band members
Cory Friesenhan - vocal on verse
4NSIC, J Lang and Steven Bryant - chorus vocals
rocavaco, greyguy - drums
rhythm boy - cowbell
Admiral Bob, ElRon XChile - lead guitars
bmccosar - crash cymbal
Every Little Symbol by Cory Friesenhan courtesy of Resonance Sound and Computer Music magazine