Cantores Elephant Call - Whale Song
Whale Wizard
“Cantores Elephant Call” is another whale song stem from Oscar’s album, that was recorded on February 6, 2011. Oscar notes that was a peculiar year, as the whale watching industry boomed and the whales had to adapt to the additional traffic, pollution and noise from diesel engine boats.
As a result of these changes, the whales introduced a new phrase into their song that Oscar has termed The Elephant Call — where the horn tone of the elephants call to one another in an agitated way.
On this day in February of 2011 the whales gathered closer to one another than what had ever been observed previously, to join together as a choir of singers (cantores), changing their song so as to reach one another — perhaps as a warning of the dangers or perhaps to support one another in this significant change to their home and habitat.
Cantores Elephant Call Commentary HERE.
As a result of these changes, the whales introduced a new phrase into their song that Oscar has termed The Elephant Call — where the horn tone of the elephants call to one another in an agitated way.
On this day in February of 2011 the whales gathered closer to one another than what had ever been observed previously, to join together as a choir of singers (cantores), changing their song so as to reach one another — perhaps as a warning of the dangers or perhaps to support one another in this significant change to their home and habitat.
Cantores Elephant Call Commentary HERE.