Lev-One is the sole member of “LEVPHONIC”; an orchestra of the mind, body and soul. Lev produces tracks to enhance life and to carry you on a journey though the melodic soundscapes of his ever active spirit. The rush of light Drum&Bass mixed with the purest melodies and the undying heart of Hip-Hop as well as many worldly instruments (organic and digital) come together in a graceful metamorphosis that has been dubbed “COSMIC FUSION”. Every being grows and evolves from day to day, and so does the music of our aforementioned “Sonic Soulja”. Lev wants to shake the stigma that every composer has a trademark sound. He wants for every track to stir up a new emotional vibe for the listener to enjoy, such as every new moment in life does. Now that you have the definition of “COSMIC FUSION” it is time for you to take a seat and enjoy lifes travels with your metaphysical tour guide LEVPHONIC