Remix State Shirt and He'll Remix You

Indie rocker and ccMixter staff fav State Shirt has been tearing it up on college radio and the Internet since before it was cool. Now he’s calling out for remixes of his new album “ This is Old” and wants you to publish your stems because he’ll be collecting all those samples for his next project: a cut-up album made up of original song material based on those samples. Here’s how he puts it:
Call for Remixes
My new album “ This Is Old” has just been released, and it would be great to have you involved in the remixing and reworking of these songs. I will be featuring all of the remixes on and will be rewarding the best and most creative remixes with a few goodies and a spot on a (future) This Is Old remix album.
Remix early and remix often!
Call for Samples
I’m creating a new album of music comprised entirely of Creative Commons licensed audio samples. It will be a process of merging, tweaking, remixing and piecing together all of your work.
When you submit your stems and samples to ccMixter make sure to check the ‘State Shirt Pool’ checkbox to let me know.
Could be drumbeats, guitar parts, a cappella vocals, noises, accordion, part of a song you never finished, screaming, spoken words, whatever you want to submit.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to our Open Music collaboration.