Announcements Adaptation Remix Event 2018
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. ~Stephen Hawking
Remixing is an artform that demands adaptation. The conditions are set by the sound source the musician chooses to use and the resulting song is a journey of twists and bends to a new creation. In that process, choices have to be made, questions need to be answered, and old paradigms are challenged. As remix artists, we push the limits of structure and conceive new models. Through adaptation, music survives.
We can look to nature for examples of adaptation. In the animal kingdom, one of the most important adaptations is the habit of living together in communal or family groups. Collaboration is a survival mechanism that is at the core of many species existence. Migration is another way species adapt to the ever changing environment. As musicians, we use both of these adaptations to create new forms.
Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live. ~Marcus Aurelius
In the plant world, where migration is difficult, adaptation requires change to the existing conditions. Seaweed created air bubbles to remain erect in the ocean. Cactus developed ways to store water for long periods of time in dry hot conditions. In the world of music, we often use what we have available just like nature, creating new music with the gear we have or the stems uploaded. Imagination reinvents and new sounds are brought to life.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. ~Charles Darwin
That’s what the Adaptation Remix Event is about: using the many amazing ways nature has adapted as inspiration. From that, we’ll create new worlds of sound. Music has a history of adaptation. What the future sounds like will be created by the remixes we make today.
Call for Pells and Stems: April 20-May 4th
Call for Remixes: April 27th- May 11th
Support this event and more by contributing to ccMixter’s Patreon page:
What an inspiring forum post! I’m feeling a story of adaptation stirring within me. Looking forward to listening to everyone’s submissions — and our collaborative journey through adaptation together.
YES! Such an inspiring post, Spin. I look forward to how everyone approaches this topic… there are SO MANY ways to adapt.
“Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.”
-Rita Mae Brown

There is extra incentive to write reviews for the Adaptation Event. Find out more HERE
-Rita Mae Brown
There is extra incentive to write reviews for the Adaptation Event. Find out more HERE
“Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity”(unknown). Stupid questions: what is this remix event? It sounds very interesting but what are people who want to participate supposed to do? When I click on the play-links in this thread my ancient browser hangs up. Just trying to help new ccm’ers & people with extremely limited attention spans like myself. Thanks
Hey CARL iCON! Thanks for asking! Basically, a remix event like this is where the ccM community is invited & encouraged to upload new stems & remixes with a specific theme. It’s a fun way create music with a focused idea. It’s meant to serve as creative inspiration.
So all you have to do to participate is visit the playlists to find new stems to remix -and/or- upload your new stems & remixes with the event specific upload forms.
As for the browser issue, we are aware of the problem (here’s a forum thread about it)… And here’s what our our new tech volunteers advise (from the linked thread):
Sorry about the new beta not working on a legacy browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer. Since the programming work on ccMixter is a volunteer effort, chances are pretty low that we’ll be able to keep things working for all legacy platforms, while doing the considerable work to modernize the site. It may be worthwhile to try one of the other multi-platform browsers, like Mozilla’s Firefox or Google’s Chrome, if some of old versions of Microsoft’s or Apple’s browsers aren’t working anymore.
So all you have to do to participate is visit the playlists to find new stems to remix -and/or- upload your new stems & remixes with the event specific upload forms.
As for the browser issue, we are aware of the problem (here’s a forum thread about it)… And here’s what our our new tech volunteers advise (from the linked thread):
Sorry about the new beta not working on a legacy browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer. Since the programming work on ccMixter is a volunteer effort, chances are pretty low that we’ll be able to keep things working for all legacy platforms, while doing the considerable work to modernize the site. It may be worthwhile to try one of the other multi-platform browsers, like Mozilla’s Firefox or Google’s Chrome, if some of old versions of Microsoft’s or Apple’s browsers aren’t working anymore.

I’m working on lyrics for a song to submit…trying to adapt words to my concepts of adaptation, and finding it hard to adapt to the idea of adaptability….lol
anyone else working on some source to add?
Looks like you made it work. Like what you put in today.
I had a concept, but I was foiled by a two-week bout of tonsillitis/laryngitis. Curses!
(When I get laryngitis, I sound a bit like the emperor from Star Wars, so I thought of doing a spoken word in his voice, but it hurt too much. Plus he’s not big on change.)
I had a concept, but I was foiled by a two-week bout of tonsillitis/laryngitis. Curses!
(When I get laryngitis, I sound a bit like the emperor from Star Wars, so I thought of doing a spoken word in his voice, but it hurt too much. Plus he’s not big on change.)
Thanks Admiral…
Darth changed in the end…but it took a lot for him to see it…lol
I hope you get well soon!
Darth changed in the end…but it took a lot for him to see it…lol
I hope you get well soon!