Announcements ccMIxter T-shirts for Most Adaptation Reviews
Win a Cool ccMixter Black T-shirt

Calling All Mixters!
We have your ccMixter T-shirt..and here is all you’ve gotta do to get it:
— Review as many Adaptation Event uploads as you can ( pells, samples & remixes). The Mixter with the most reviews will get a new ccMixter T-shirt (in the size of your choice!). Meaningful reviews matter most.
Why review? Not only do you get the chance to grab a new shirt…reviews are the sparks that light up the “mix-versation.” (Extra added bonus to those Mixters who also post in the forums during the Adaptation Remix Event.)
— Submit a killer remix to the Adaptation Remix Event! The Mixter whose Adaptation Remix gets the most recommendations will also receive a T-shirt.
What is the Adaptation Remix Event?
Read more in this Forum Post!
“Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.”
-Rita Mae Brown
Calling All Mixters!
We have your ccMixter T-shirt..and here is all you’ve gotta do to get it:
— Review as many Adaptation Event uploads as you can ( pells, samples & remixes). The Mixter with the most reviews will get a new ccMixter T-shirt (in the size of your choice!). Meaningful reviews matter most.
Why review? Not only do you get the chance to grab a new shirt…reviews are the sparks that light up the “mix-versation.” (Extra added bonus to those Mixters who also post in the forums during the Adaptation Remix Event.)
— Submit a killer remix to the Adaptation Remix Event! The Mixter whose Adaptation Remix gets the most recommendations will also receive a T-shirt.
What is the Adaptation Remix Event?
Read more in this Forum Post!
“Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.”
-Rita Mae Brown